World Hydrogen Congress 2022

Thanks to World Hydrogen Leaders and Women in Green Hydrogen, I had the chance to speak with other energy professionals about the need for international cooperation in the energy transition.
One of my key takeaways from this panel discussion was about the need for all for the sustainable development goals to be considered as we seek to provide clean affordable energy for all. This was an example for me of the need to continuously refine my approach to addressing the energy transition. If we don't transition in a just way, we risk baking in inequity, for example we could experience a new form of colonialism where developing companies are exporting their much needed renewable energy because developed countries can pay more. Another example is providing fair pay and working conditions for the mass migration of workers to emerging energy construction areas.
The Congress itself was just incredible. Sometimes the transiton seems ephemeral, when we're taking about hydrogen in Ireland in particular, because it's hard to imagine what a future energy system might look like. Seeing fuels cells and hydrogen combustion engines up close and personal gave me renewed enthusiasm for addressing not just renewable electricity but the more difficult sectors as well. Companies like Iberdrola and Bosch had great 3D models which made the system integration easier to explain to my mum who joined me for the event. If we can explain things simply, we understand well she reminded me.